Art Kleiner

Photo by Taffi Rosen

I help three types of clients:

AI Leaders: I help organizations build their “inner game of AI,” developing the practices and skills to lead teams of human and artificial intelligence. (I’m also a certified auditor for the European Union’s AI Act.)

Thought Leaders: I can help bring your ideas to life and your influence to grow.

Strategic Leaders: I work with you on advancing beyond the deceptive messages that hold back your organization.

Content Strategy: At Kleiner Powell International (KPI), Juliette Powell and I develop full campaigns and corporate identity.

AI Advisory: KPI is equipped to help you build your organization’s future with AI and organizational learning.

Courses: Zoom-based seminars that build your skills in AI leadership, thought leadership, or strategic leadership.

Coaching: My practice starts with two questions: Who is in your Core Group, and who is on your team?

Scenario Planning: Watch for this May when NYU students present scenarios for the future of the U.S. Government.


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