About Art Kleiner
I am an independent editor and coach. I also write under my own name, teach at New York University, and help develop the kinds of multifaceted projects that we need now. I get things done.
For large ongoing projects, I work with Juliette Powell through Kleiner Powell International (KPI). We have an AI advisory service that helps companies avoid risk and make the most of opportunities with AI. Our book The AI Dilemma covers these issues.
I sometimes work under contract with organizations such as BCG, Dialogos, and the Center for Systems Awareness at MIT. I sometimes work through Reedsy. The best way to reach me is through my email: art@artkleiner.com.
Between 2005 and 2020, I was editor-in-chief at Strategy+Business, the award-winning management magazine published by PwC. I was a PwC managing director, and a senior director at Booz & Company and Booz Allen Hamilton. During my time at PwC, we had more than a million readers. Before that, I was editorial director of the Fifth Discipline Fieldbook series with Peter Senge et al, including The Dance of Change and Schools That Learn. I've been an editor or coach for many non-fiction books. I learned my craft as an editor at the Whole Earth Catalog and CoEvolution Quarterly/Whole Earth Review.
I am on the faculty at New York University's Interactive Media Arts/Interactive Telecommunications Program, and at its Wagner School of Public Affairs. I teach scenario planning, content strategy, design for responsible technology, and AI in the public sector.
I have a journalism degree from the University of California at Berkeley. I once worked at the Haight Ashbury switchboard. I oversaw personal computer coverage at Whole Earth for a while, when it was just getting started.
My perspective reflects what I've learned in all these places and more.
Last year, I launched an in-depth editorial coaching practice.
I've worked with hundreds of authors to help them craft and express their thinking. They include:
Frank Babar (Founder/CEO of Phase One)
Nelda Cambron-McCabe (educator)
Ram Charan (management expert)
John K. Coyle (coach, former Olympic athlete)
Rob Cross (expert on social networks and microstress)
Arie de Geus (author of The Living Company, former head of Shell Group Planning)
Tim Devinney (creative academic)
Elizabeth Doty (leadership expert)
Amy Edmondson (originator of the "psychological safety" concept and much more)
Christina and Douglas Engelbart (farsighted visionaries)
John Gerzema (expert on brand perceptions)
Pankaj Ghemawat (NYU's renowned realist about globalism)
Marshall Goldsmith (game-changing thinker of executive coaching)
Gopal Gopalikrishnan (bonsai management strategist at the Tata Group)
Reid Hoffman (venture capitalist, founder of LinkedIn)
John Hofmeister (former CEO of Shell Oil)
Sally Helgesen (writer/thinker on participative and women's leadership)
Tom Igoe (one of the first to see the impact of digital manufacturing)
Bill Isaacs (leading theorist and practitioner of dialogue)
Olokunle Iyanda (management writer and mentor in Africa and worldwide)
Barry Jaruzelski (innovative theorist on innovation)
Adam Kahane (a great empirically-driven practitioner of dialogue)
Prasad Kaipa (looking ahead at the future of management in India and elsewhere)
Jon Katzenbach (influential author, mentor, culture strategist)
Eamonn Kelly (chief futurist, Deloitte)
Deepa Krishnan (influential observer of management patterns in India)
A.J. Lafley (former CEO of P&G)
David Lancefield (podcaster with "Lancefield on the Line," insightful advisor)
Tim Laseter (supply chain visionary)
Paul Leinwand (focused thinker on corporate focus)
Cheri Lovre (advisor to schools and communities recovering from crisis)
Cesare Mainardi (former CEO of Booz & Company, strategist and author)
Nandan Nilekani (Chairman of Infosys)
Kenichi Ohmae (one of the first to see the rise of "China.Inc" and "Internet.inc")
Catherine Palmieri (visionary leader in finance tech)
C.K. Prahalad (much-missed co-creator of management wisdom)
Navi Radjou (applied the Jugaad concept around the world)
Charlotte Roberts (carrying insights about collaborative leadership to boardrooms)
Kate Roberts (leads unique projects that are amazing to read about)
Michael Rosenbaum (Founder of Catalyte and Arena, reinventing credentials)
Irene Rosenfeld (former CEO of Kraft)
Rick Ross (perhaps the most entertaining leadership speaker anywhere)
Doug Rushkoff (always testing integrity and naming the gaps)
Karim Sabbagh (understands the structure of thought leadership as few others do)
Jeffrey Schwartz, MD (finger on the inner pulse)
Peter Schwartz (head of strategy at Salesforce.com, GBN and Shell before them)
Peter Senge (author of 5th Discipline, working on challenges of system leadership)
Blair Sheppard (instigator and coauthor of prescient "10 Years to Midnight")
Eric Siegel (former CEO of Siemens US)
Bryan Smith (Fieldbook coauthor, understands organizations better than anyone)
Jack Stack (CEO of Springfield Remanufacturing, a great management innovator)
Tom Stewart (knows knowledge, demonstrated it at HBR, Booz, U of Ohio, more)
Kathryn Sullivan (astronaut who has become a significant thought leader)
Linda Booth Sweeney (saw the learning side of organizational learning)
Liz Sweigart (has so much to say about so much, lately including blockchain)
Josie Thomson (insight blending neuroscience, near-death experience, coaching)
Chris Vollmer (one of the first to see the nature of an always-on world)
For more information, email me at art@artkleiner.com.
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